Gifting: As we move further into the fourth quarter, we know many of you have gifting on the mind. It is the season for giving! As you get into the spirit, remember, early December is the recommended deadline for processing stock gifts, to ensure delivery by year-end for tax benefits. Some questions you may need to ask yourself: What is your company's deadline for gift matching? Does the charitable organization you want to contribute to have an end of year deadline? As always we're here to help in processing these items. Let us know if you'd like to discuss your gift giving situation in advance, and we'll walk through what it could look like, step-by-step.

New Heights | Issue 10

RMDs in 2020
Included in legislation announced earlier this year, those of eligible RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) age are in fact not required to take a distribution from their qualifying IRA this year. We've linked an article from Charles Schwab in this month's newsletter email, as an additional information resource on this topic. You may give your advisor a call to further discuss.

We Moved
On October 1, 2020 we moved into our new office space near Truist Park. Effective October 1, our address is:
- 600 Galleria Pkwy. SE Suite 850
- Atlanta, GA 30339
Please keep in mind, social distancing and work-from-home remains in effect in large part for your Regent Peak team.
Yes, we are getting more settled into our new office, but please note, we have been working from home for the past seven months, and will continue to do so for the most part.
Our New Office & How It Impacts You
What this means for you?
Phones – As we work from home many of us are using our cell phones and you may receive a call from a phone number other than our office line(s). This includes other area codes, and in some cases, it may appear as Unknown Caller. We’ve even heard from some clients the technology in place by your cell phone carrier will autoroute our calls to your voicemail thinking it’s a Spam call. If you have a scheduled call(s) with any one of us, please be on the lookout for a call from an alternate phone number(s).
Paperwork/Printing/Mail & Processing of Requests – Unless extremely urgent, we generally plan and coordinate amongst our team who will go into the office and when. We preschedule this as much as possible. When it comes to urgent matters, we ask for your help to ensure that requests are coming through with as much lead time as possible. Now more than ever, we have the technology at our fingertips to help streamlines processes.