
As part of our fiduciary approach to considering your best interests, we provide regular updates and news items about our firm, as well as information and commentary we deem to be relevant and worth your time. We invite you to contact us about any of these articles and releases. We’re only too happy to answer your questions.

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Here we are, at the mid point of 2024! At this juncture, your Regent Peak team reflects on significant internal processes and expansions of our partnerships to enhance our business, allowing us to maintain our steadfast client-centric approach. We continue to hear from you on what's important, and while that can differ across the clients we serve, one thing remains at its core: our ability to engage with you in personalized ways across the...

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Earlier this year our older son was accepted into a 7-month internship with a scuba diving company in Key Largo, FL. Upon completion of the program, graduates will have obtained multiple diving accreditations/licenses which will subsequently provide them an opportunity to teach anywhere in the world - I asked if they were accepting applications from 54-year-olds! In addition, graduates will have secured navigational licenses so they may also...

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Last weekend, I came down to the living room to join my wife, who had already started watching The Proposal. Having joined about an hour into the movie, I naturally had some questions.

Why is Sandra Bullock joining Ryan Reynolds’ family in Alaska?

Why are they faking being engaged?

What’s the beef between Ryan Reynolds and his dad?

Obviously, my wife was thrilled.

Context is important. As rom-coms always...

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As a kid growing up one of my favorite TV shows to watch was Wide World of Sports. Most of us who grew up watching the show recall the opening monologue, “Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport/The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat/The human drama of athletic competition/This is ABC’s Wide World of Sports." As I look back, I now realize how much of an impact this show had on me as it introduced...

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With fall fully in swing and football tailgates quickly making way for holiday parties, chances are, the number one conversation piece at your next social gathering: the housing market. Call it a sign of the times, but it appears that America’s favorite current form of window shopping – and source of neighborhood gossip – is Zillow ®.

Home prices have shot through the roof since the summer of 2020 [1], and despite mortgage rates now...

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Here’s a shocking statistic: Approximately 70% of transferred wealth is lost by the second generation and 90% by the third generation [1].

Some of the reasons why these current trends exist include: 1) the rising generation doesn’t currently have an existing relationship with an advisory firm, 2) the wealth management industry has primarily focused on preparing the assets for the family and neglected to prepare the family for the...

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Last year Regent Peak Wealth Advisors shared a video from our Founding Principal and Managing Director, Craig Robson, CFP®, CIMA®, CDFA® that explained the difference between asset location and asset allocation. This multifaceted approach allows for tax efficiencies and diversification.

Asset Location: allows for strategic tax optimization by placing different types of investments in the most tax-efficient accounts (e.g., taxable,...

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I recently re-watched Apollo 13, the classic movie about the ill-fated 1970 mission to the moon and the teamwork required by Mission Control to bring the crew safely back to Earth. In one scene, Tom Hanks’s character needs Houston to verify a calculation because the command module’s computer has stopped working. To ensure accuracy, the entire front row of mission controllers re-calculates the equation with the appropriate technology...

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To escape the summer heat index in Atlanta, I typically schedule time with friends to embark on some form of outdoor excursion, which historically has included scuba diving, deep water fishing in Alaska, and destination hikes. Last month I flew to Calgary to join some friends to hike Mt. Temple in Lake Louise, Banff National Park. Mount Temple is a prominent triangular-shaped peak capped with ice and snow that towers above the village of Lake...

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The housing boom of the past several years combined with inflationary fears has created a renewed interest in real estate investing. People may forget to discuss their real estate holdings with their financial advisor, usually under the belief that real estate should be viewed as separate from their investment portfolio. However, ownership in real estate is an investment just like stocks and bonds, and there are considerable planning...

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As your younger children move through middle and high school, guidance counselors and career advisors might suggest that children with a comparative strength in math, data and computing look into careers in “finance” or “economics”. Sometimes those recommendations can feel vast and too broadly focused to understand what paths your children should take with regard to course selection as well as extra-curricular activities. One option within...

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We're halfway through the year already?! Time has flown for us as we have focused on strengthening relationships with clients and partners - an effort that we thoroughly enjoy and value. Whether you've worked with us for decades, or you are a recent member to the Regent Peak family, our commitment to you does not differ. Just as we work to establish and adhere to a plan for our clients portfolios, in tandem with tax and estate professionals,...

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Small business owners face a unique set of challenges due in part to the interconnected nature of their personal and professional finances. Here are five common financial management concerns that small business owners face:

1. Raising Capital

Small businesses are often capital intensive, especially in the early years of ownership. This can be a daunting time in the life of a business, and owners are often more...

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The Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Tax Exemption is one of the most impactful yet least understood tax exemptions for business owners. It comes from Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code, which states that any Qualified Small Business shareholder can sell their qualified stock, aka ownership in the company, and will be exempt from capital gains on that stock, up to the greater of $10 million or 10x the initial...

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This Spring our family traveled to Europe. This trip exceeded our expectations in so many ways, my personal favorite sites were the Winston Churchill Museum and the Normandy American Cemetery. Walking through both, I gained a greater appreciation for the dedication, courage, and unwavering commitment the Allied forces had in defeating the Nazis. Through all the chaos, uncertainty, confusion, and destruction, a simple mandate of victory at...

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As financial advisors, we like to explore the big picture of both your professional and personal goals. At the root of that discussion is, what are you doing in your professional life that will enable you to fund and enjoy your personal life? Interestingly, we sometimes stumble into conversations where our relationships will say in passing, “I might also seek to join a Board…” That’s when we say, “Fantastic! But let’s talk about why and...


Making a donation to a favorite non-profit organization has several obvious benefits. Firstly, the satisfaction you and your family gets out of supporting an organization that gives back in your local or national community is not only satisfying, but also provides a good example for children of all ages on the importance of helping others who might be in need.

Secondly, there are financial benefits to both the recipient and you as the...

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As financial advisors, we like to explore the big picture of both your professional and personal goals. At the root of that discussion is, what are you doing in your professional life that will enable you to fund and enjoy your personal life? Interestingly, we sometimes stumble into conversations where our relationships will say in passing, “I might also seek to join a Board…” That’s when we say, “Fantastic! But let’s talk about why and...

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Company culture can be hard to describe, and also hard to maintain. At Regent Peak Wealth Advisors, we believe our culture is a significant part of our value added to our relationships. We put time and effort into building our team bond and we use our core values as a foundation for how we work with one another as well as our clients.

Our core values are:

  • Creative Solutions

  • Teamwork

  • Trusted...

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Looking for a summer project for your children? Teach them financial literacy this summer… and next summer, and the following summer, and so on.

There is a range of sophistication of financial literacy, and we can help our children learn the basics early, and then help them grow and feel comfortable with the concepts and jargon over the years. Normalizing conversations about money, budgeting, and planning can be powerful tools to allow...

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Divorcing couples have many questions which their attorney, CPA, and financial planner are unequipped to answer.

Examples may include:

1) How do we value and divide property? How do you calculate capital gains from selling the marital home? This is an important evaluation to undertake before approaching an attorney or CPA, who have the responsibilities of facilitating the division of assets, not evaluating the value of assets....



Regent Peak Wealth Advisors, LLC is registered as an investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or is excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment adviser does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators nor does it indicate that the adviser has attained a particular level of skill or ability.

Note, the information provided in this document is for informational purposes only and investors should determine for themselves whether a particular service or product is suitable for their investment needs. This document may contain forward-looking statements relating to the objectives, opportunities, and the future performance of the U.S. market generally. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of such words as, but not limited to: “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “should”, “planned”, “estimated”, potential”, and other similar items. These are subject to various factors, including but not limited to general and local economic conditions, changing levels of competition within certain industries and markets, changes in a portfolio’s operations that could cause actual results to differ materially from projected results. Such are forward-looking in nature and involve a number of known and unknown risk, uncertainties and other factors, and accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-thinking statements. Prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements or examples. None of Regent Peak Wealth Advisors, LLC or any of its affiliates or principals nor any other individual or entity assumes any obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, subsequent events or any other circumstances. All statements made herein speak only as of the date that they were made.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns not guaranteed. Not FDIC insured. Not bank guaranteed. May lose value, including loss of principal.

Content should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation. Regent Peak Wealth Advisors, LLC is not engaged in the practice of law or accounting. This is not a recommendation nor an offer to sell (or solicitation or an offer to buy) securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction.

Any and all hyperlinks in these publications are provided as a convenience, and we disclaim any responsibility for information, services or products found on websites linked hereto.

Contact Us

Regent Peak Wealth Advisors is a registered independent advisory firm dedicated to working with creators of significant wealth, including multi-generational families, business owners, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, as well as trustees and board directors.